Healing Practice
Christian Science teaches us how to heal spiritually. A study of “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” by Mary Baker Eddy in conjunction with the Bible helps explain the spiritual laws of harmony which pervade the universe and bring spiritual growth, and healing.
Experienced Christian Science Practitioners, or spiritual healers, are available to whom you can turn at a time of need, 24 hours a day. Contact with practitioners is usually by telephone or e-mail, but also sometimes face to face, as needed. They are also able to answer questions on Christian Science. These Practitioners are listed in The Christian Science Journal, where you will find contact details of a Practitioner near you.
Check out this link to find out more about practitioners and how Christian Science treatment works and also to find a practitioner near you.
Chat to a Church Member
You are also always welcome to talk to a member at FCCS Richmond about healing. We love to share spiritual ideas and to help each other on our spiritual journey.
In addition to Practitioners, a visiting Christian Science nurse service is available which provides practical help in case of physical difficulties. There are also Christian Science nursing homes available for more supportive care.
Below are some examples of Christian Science Healing that you may find inspiring: